Happy Thanksgiving!

It is a day to count your blessings and give thanks for the good things in your life.  So I would like to begin by stating how grateful I am that I have stumbled upon this new career of mine.  A little over three years ago I didn't know what a doula was. I was on a totally different career path, so I am thankful for all of the people who have helped me get where I am today.

I am thankful for the exceptional care that I received from the midwives at Austin Area Birthing Center during both by pregnancies and births.  Through their compassionate and empowering care that allowed me to have the natural birth that I dreamed set me on the path to discovering my own calling to birth work.

I am thankful to my sister-in-law whose casual suggestion made me consider becoming a doula, before beginning on the path to midwifery. Good luck on your own doula journey!

I am thankful to my trainers, mentors, and colleagues, both in person and in the online community who have taught me so much and inspired me in this journey.

I am thankful for my husband who has supported me in this new endeavor and who has taken up all of the household duties, including caring for my two little ones, when I am called at a moment's notice and am gone for many hours at a time.

Lastly, but certainly not least, I am thankful to all the families who have invited me to share with them the sacred space of the birth of their babies.  Especially those first few who trusted me even though I had little experience yet, I am especially grateful for your confidence in me.  It has been my pleasure pleasure to support over a dozen gracious couples, and each unique birth has taught me so much.

Thank you all! And happy Thanksgiving!